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Winter Panorama with video

Winter Panorama with video

Hi Creative Friends,

Like many, this is my favorite time of year. Mostly because of the wonderful snow scene you can create. Here is a VIDEO showing you how I created my latest snow scene. It takes only a few distress inks and the beautiful Panorama stamp by Penny Black.


The link for the video is below. Just click the image and it will take you right to it! Then, check out the “Goodies Used” list below for everything used.

I hope you had a chance to view the video. In the video, you saw how easy it is to make a snowy woodland scene (my favorite!).

I have used only a few distress inks to color, plus a few Tombow pens (but you saw that in the video, right?)

I have provided a few close-ups below so you can get a closer look, plus a complete supply list and a few alternate woodland creatures if you prefer.

I love the technique of coloring directly on the stamp, then spritzed lightly with water, and stamping to add color. With this method, you can be your own watercolorist in no time!


I, of course, had to add a woodland creature! This one is from the Darling Deer die collection but Penny Black’s Natures Beauty is a good one too! It’s listed in the supply list below.

I hope you enjoyed the video and will give this project a whirl!  

Goodies Used:


  • October 28, 2022

    Shirley Baker

    I really enjoyed watching you create this. Thank you. I am wondering if you cut the deer out of w/c paper or ??

    Thank you,

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