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Hi Everyone, Today is another card to celebrate Autumn. I have been enjoying making cards with an Autumn theme so much lately that I thought I should keep going while I still have Mojo! I don’t know if you are like me but sometimes I struggle with inspiration but the Fall and Winter are my favorite times of the year so ideas and inspiration aren’t as hard […]

Hi Friends, Today is a red-letter day for all of us at Foiled Fox!  Laurel Beard and the kind peeps at Lawnscaping Challenge are featuring many of our projects today on their blog. Be sure to go and check it out.  If you haven’t already, subscribe to their newsletter.  You can also have some fun and participate in some of their challenges.  Their blog is always bursting with creative ideas and projects […]

We are so thrilled to be able to introduce May Flaum from Craft with May and her fabulous 28 Lilac Lane line of embellishments.  You may know her for her amazingly charming eclectic style and she is SOOO talented.  Her creations and ideas lend themselves to anyone’s fancy.  The 28 Lilac Lane Embellishment kits and embellishment bottles have just about anything and everything you need to spark up […] To get started, stamp with black ink your sentiment and images. Color in any stamps – with any pens or watercolors you like.