Double Fun with Peonies – video
Hi Creative Friends, You might think I am obsessed with peonies, and in a way I am. The peony flower is so beautiful and they create gorgeous floral displays like this one in the Spellbinders Peony Background press plate. I am also in love with the BetterPress letterpress system by Spellbinders! It creates a deep, crisp, impressed image, I think it looks so luxurious! I have created […]
Blooms For Your Day
Hi Creative Friends, I am popping in to share another way you can use the lovely Blooms stamp set by Penny Black. You may remember that I shared a card design on Monday using this same stamp set (did you miss it, no worries, you can view it here). Like so many of Penny Black’s stamp sets, it is filled with sweet flowers to use for many occasions. […]
Fresh Picked Buttercups by Dana
Hi Creative Friends, We are thrilled to share a beautiful card design by Dana Kirby. Once again, she has knocked it out of the park with her bright, perfectly coordinated colors, and design. She is using a brand new die set by Spellbinders called Fresh Picked Buttercups and boy, is it gorgeous! Take a look!
Most Wonderful Time
Hi Creative Friends, It is time again to share a delightful project by Dana Kirby. She has brought out her BetterPress system by Spellbinders again, dazzling us with another beautiful card design. This one features the Most Wonderful Time press plate.
A Festive Noel
Hi Creative Friends, We are starting off the week with a gorgeous holiday BetterPress project by Dana Kirby. As you well know, she a super talent and we are lucky enough to share a few of her projects. This one features an Old English Noel. The Festive Noel BetterPress press plate is so intricate and beautiful and just look at what Dana did to really make it […]
Festive Holly Tree
Hi Creative Friends, In our last YouTube video we gave you a sneak peek of a few awesome Spellbinders BetterPress projects by Dana Kirby. As promised, we are now diving in for a closer look at one of the card designs featured. For this one, Dana used the delicate and lacy Holly Tree and embellished it with ruby red pearls.
Spellbinders BetterPress In-Depth Look, plus projects
Hi Creative Friends, Did you see our last blog post where we showcased Dana Kirby’s fabulous BetterPress Autumn Leaves? Or maybe you caught another post or video we did featuring Spellbinders BetterPress system and all the marvelous designs and supplies that are available. Well, we are at it again with another video showing you how terrific the Spellbinders BetterPress system is and getting you even more acquainted with what you […]
Colorful Autumn Leaves
Hi Creative Friends, We are sharing two projects by our very good friend, Dana Kirby and they are simply gorgeous! She used the Spellbinders BetterPress system and their Autumn Leaves press plates to create these letterpress beauties. Read below how she did it, then try your own letterpress project. To get your creative juices flowing, all this week we will have projects using the new BetterPress system. If you […]
A Floral View Thanks
Hi Creative Friends, The wonderful and uber-talented Dana Kirby is sharing two awesome card designs! And as a special bonus, she used the new, super fun, and easy BetterPress system. They are both so lovely, we just can’t choose which is our favorite, perhaps you can!
Butterfly Bouquet
Hi Creative Friends, We are having a fabulous time experimenting with the new BetterPress Letterpress system by Spellbinders. We continue to be impressed (no pun intended) with the crisp, deep detail you can get from this simple device! It is simply luxurious and special! There are so many awesome press plates available already! We used the Butterfly Bouquet and Floral View press plates and black ink, then […]