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My Favorite Things BG Scattered Hearts Background
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  • My Favorite Things BG Scattered Hearts Background

My Favorite Things BG Scattered Hearts Background

Scattered Hearts background stamp by My Favorite Things.  Our rubber background stamps are perfect for square cards or A2 cards in either a vertical or horizontal orientation. These versatile stamps are made in the USA from deeply etched, high quality red rubber backed with cling foam – ready to stamp straight from the package! This stamp can be used with a large mount or it can be laid face up and inked. Transfer the image by positioning your paper on top of the inked stamp and pressing evenly with your hand or a brayer.

Sprinkle love around like confetti with this charming background stamp featuring an abundance of randomly-scattered hearts in a petite size that will complement your design without overwhelming it. Not just relegated to Valentine’s Day, this stamp is subtle and beautiful and will be a gorgeous accompaniment to a variety of themes and occasions.
