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My Favorite Things Carpool Die-namics
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  • My Favorite Things Carpool Die-namics

My Favorite Things Carpool Die-namics

Low Stock

Carpool die set by My Favorite Things.  Wind in your hair, hand out the window surfing the breeze, and your favorite tunes cranked on the radio — the perfect recipe for a memory-filled road trip! The Carpool Die-namics provides ideal transportation for your trip and is sized to fit a menagerie of friends. The Better Together crew is a just right choice — a ton of them can pile in and on the car at once. This sweet ride features cut details on the tire tread, and easy assembly of the car components thanks to emboss lines that serve as a for placement.

(11) piece set

  • approximately 3 1/4″ x 3 1/8″ assembled as shown
