Introduction to the Zig Cartoonist Mangaka Pen
HI Everyone, I wanted to pop by just to share this video with you about the new Kuretake Zig Cartoonist Mangaka Pens. These pens are very similar to the Pigma Micron pens that everyone is so familiar with but the finest tip of the Mangaka pens is a little finer. The Mangaka pens are waterproof, fade-proof and smudge-proof once dry. You also can use them over watercolors, […]
Adorable Bear & Things Card
Hi there, I thought I would take a very short pause from the holiday cards and share a card of an adorable bear to celebrate the birth of a brand new little bundle of joy that came into our family. Our niece gave birth on Halloween – woo-ee. She must love having babies on holidays. Her son was born on Valentine’s Day a few years back. Now little Jolene Priscilla has […]