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August 2017

Hi there, Today is a red-letter day!! We get to feature one of our very favorite bloggers, Laurel Beard of Simply Cardmaking with Laurel. Laurel is always loads of fun and she brings her bright and cheery personality to everything she does, not to mention her fabulous designs with minimal supplies (triple whammy!). She also loves coffee, so this card is perfect! So, take a minute and […]

Hi Everyone, This week is star-studded with talent! First, we had Heather Telford visiting with us on Tuesday and today we are over-the-moon excited to introduce a new friend and guest, Rosali. You may have seen Rosali’s AWESOME designs on Instagram or Flickr. She is soooo creative and fun! Check out her latest creation and bio below. And, don’t forget to visit her on Instagram and Flickr too. Knight in shing armour by Rosali